I'm pleased to present a solo concert sponsored by the Milwaukee chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Three times delayed by COVID concerns, this event has been a long time in planning! Come with me to explore the works of composers and poets through the ages, and share in song with the pipes and people who surround you. Inspired by the Holy Spirit (ruach, the Hebrew word meaning “air in motion”), we can breathe in new life, can con-spire (“breathe together”), and can create music that transforms ourselves and our world.

Planned repertoire includes:

JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685-1750): Fugue in E-flat Major, BWV 552b (“St. Anne”)

Congregational Hymn: O That I Had a Thousand Voices (text by Johann Mentzer; Tune, O DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTE, by Johann König

GEOFFREY WILCKEN (b. 1972): The Love Amazing, Op. 74, No. 1 (2019)

Reading: Each Breath Is Borrowed Air (text by Thomas Troeger)

ELFRIDA ANDREÉ (1841-1929): Organ Symphony No. 1 in B minor

LEO SOWERBY (1895-1968): Prelude on MALEBAR (Strengthen for Service, Lord)

GUNNAR INDENSTAM (b. 1961): Menuet nordique from Katedralmusik

GUSTAV HOLST (1874-1934), transcr. by H.G. Lay: Chaconne, Op. 28, No. 1

Congregational Hymn: When In Our Music God Is Glorified (Text by Fred Pratt Green; Tune, ENGELBERG, by Charles Villiers Stanford

WILBUR HELD (1914-2015): When In Our Music God is Glorified (ENGLEBERG)