
I've had a great time designing (and re-designing, due to COVID concerns) this collaborative singing-and-service event with representatives of the participating congregations. This event will be primarily an on-line event, with some pre-recorded elements and some led "live" by musicians in Trinity's sanctuary. I'll be at the organ and piano. You may attend on-line; visit the event website to learn how. I encourage you to also consider contributing to the to the service part of this event, which is the primary focus.

[from Trinity Lutheran's website] Grammy-nominated organist and enlivening song-leader Jan Kraybill leads a musical gathering with the combined forces from 5 urban Akron congregations.

Participating congregations: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, First Congregational Church, First United Methodist Church, Wesley Temple AME Zion Church, and Church of the Open Door.

We’ll celebrate with many instruments and voices, witnessing to God’s active work in our diverse community.